YUMPU Status shows at a glance whether YUMPU is working

Yumpu Status shows at a glance whether Yumpu is working

A quick overview of the YUMPU status, whether everything is working, and whether all systems are running properly is not only important for YUMPU, but also for our customers. The status page gives you an overview of how Yumpu.com’s systems are running at all times.

Where, when, and why there are system-related downtimes can also be viewed retrospectively in the overview. Also new is that you can always be informed live about the system status of YUMPU via the Twitter DEV Channel!

Welcome to YUMPU!

Belinda Reiler

My name is Belinda Reiler.

I am very excited to begin my second year at YUMPU! What I really love about Yumpu.com is that everyone - without any technical knowledge - can create amazing looking online magazines!