Flipbook Animation with Example

You are a publisher. You are a creative publication with a cutting-edge idea. You have a solid, decent readership who love what you are doing. Great! You are also using the biggest Flipbook Animation publishing platform on the web: YUMPU Publishing. All of these are great. Here’s a way to make your publication more interactive and to get your creative juices flowing. You like juice? We like juice also.
If you’re looking for a healthy dose of content that hasn’t yet been seen, then you might want to consider more interactive media. Before we get into what it is you can do to make your print more interactive, we’ll get into what “interactive media” actually is. Whenever your readers respond to your content by actually doing something on their part, that’s interactive media.
Flipbook Animation Example – click to open Fullscreen:
The web is great for interactive media and not just grand-prize contests. Because we are so connected, our Internet lives allow us to say one thing in one area of the World Wide Web and be heard by a group in another. When media is interactive, it allows groups of people to respond while that response becomes recognized in places online that you may not have imagined.
This is usually done by some form of interactive media where online users have a chance to make inputs or to tell others also. As might have been imagined, the best outlets for interactive media is social media. This is not where you will post but where your readers will begin dialogue with others. Social media begins with the consumer. Interactive media is with you: the publisher.
Flipbook Animation Things to Consider
If you are looking for this type of addition to your Flipbook Animation publication, there will be a few things worth considering. The first thing to consider is the quality of fun your media brings. Lets face it, the web is full of information. Just type in any topic or phrase, and dull database companies will show up all competing for a chance to show you who’s boss in knowledge and information.
Make your media fun so that it stands out as not a part of someone’s essay of information. The second aspect that you will have to consider is the content’s potential to be viral. If it wont spiral, it wont go viral. This is not to say that it is rated by its ability to be seen by millions. This instead is its ability to encourage people to tell others: their friends, family and even teachers.
When you place these two aspects of digital media together, you build a potential of creating interactive media. The key to having both viral potential and fun deals with creativity. You are in luck. Here at your very own YUMPU Publishing, we are all about creativity. Creativity is what started us. It is what keeps us growing to better achieve your expectations and dreams.
Dreams are themselves a creative medium, and yumpu is the best canvass for you to paint your publication on. Let’s get started!
What to do with Your Creativity
Now that you know more about interactive media and have gotten your juices flowing, let’s talk about flip-book animation. You’ve guess it. This is a chance to be as creative as possible. Think and consider putting a section in your digital print of a short, flip animation that conveys, covers or elaborates your topic at hand.
As mentioned earlier, make sure that it is fun-filled. Please make sure that it has the potential to be spoken of by many. If you are unsure of how to do either, then the secret ingredient that you are missing is creativity. For as long as you strive to be creative, you will eventually do something new, something inspiring and something worth telling others about.
So don’t worry about who will see it. This site is free for you to publish on and will allow others to view your wonderfully creative content in the form of Flipbook Animation. If you haven’t already done so, start an account today, and put your creative mind to use. Being a publisher today is as easy as a well made PDF page and a quick, easy upload to YUMPU Publishing.
You can browse our homepage, and see all of the creative approaches to digital print. The possibilities are endless, and we are eager to see what you come up with. Check us out, sign up and don’t wait! Get your stance in new, creative and interactive media now!